5 years of opera, innit?

Yes, it’s that time of the year again when we harvest what we sow. You may have noticed I’ve been rather quiet this month but the backstage has had some activity recently, with yours truly busy tinkering at this little gift which I hope everyone who reads the blog will enjoy 🙂 and if you don’t… well, you can skip to the 12:55 and listen to Eterni dei, in a version I’m sure you will recognise.

Ep 3: True Crime Tito

Without further ado, here’s episode 3 of the opera. innit? podcast, from which I drifted away a couple of years ago due to it taking too long to produce. But I like to hear myself talk too much to actually give up, even in the face of laziness (which I admit is one of my – very few 😉 – weaknesses) and competition from pressing “real life” activities.

So, yea, that’s where you get after years of thinking about Tito too much and talking about it too little (although, thanks to you, dear reader – and often more than once, opera buddy – I’ve talked about Tito more than I thought I ever would 5 years ago).

edit 17/10/18: sounds like Vesuvius may have erupted later than we’ve thought for hundreds of years… rather after 17 October 79AD than on 24 August 79AD…

About dehggial

Mozart/Baroque loving red dragon

Posted on October 15, 2018, in 1001 musings on la clemenza di tito, audio only, innit?, mozart, opera humour, podcasts and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 16 Comments.

  1. ze tiramisu!! and you are alive amd well!! (back to reading)

  2. Happy blog birthday Dehgg! Looking forward to listening to the podcast later. Thanks for all your enthusiasm, your quirky cartoons (which often make it so much easier to understand d operas) and your great company. Here’s to the next five years!

  3. 😀 😀 😀 this is great, thank you! Wow that must have been a lot of work, and yes, I was just about to ask if you are well, good to see this instead!

    • glad you enjoyed! It didn’t take that long, I started recording it on Wednesday (when the cold got better), but the trick was, I had already written it about a year ago. The trickery with the sound effects took up the most time 😉

      • Hehe, did you roam around London to record? Must have been fun to research for this!
        It-girls Vitellia and Servilia were the best, and the press speculations about Tito’s robes.

        • youtube has EVERYTHING! but the traffic noise (the regular one) is actually out of my window. I was initially so annoyed with how pervasive it is unless I record in the bedroom but then I decided to go with the flow and settled for a “real” feel and included the traffic. But, yes, researching is one of the best parts 😀 putting it together is next. And research is something I can successfully do on night shifts.

          I did have a lot of fun with the ladies, haha, having Servilia call with “exclusive” details from the club 😀 The robes are the best part of the old Salzburg production – I think the mystery endures to this day. In fact I want to do a project regarding that production but the next ep is going to be about – drumroll! – something else than Tito for a change. I hope I don’t lose my momentum because it could be quite fun.

  4. That was fun! “I am an unhappy soul” and Mr. Publio facepalming… 😀 Thank you for this and also for your fun and inspiring blog. You’re my favourite blogger ❤

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