Handel does Handel

It’s always fun pinning down one of those moments when Handel (or Rossini) rehashes some of his own music. The other day I saw Handel’s Organ Concertos and thought hm, why not? As soon as it started I recognised the first bit as the unnamed organ piece I had endlessly played as a teenager, taped off the radio. But later on something else emerged. Do you remember that bit at the beginning of Alcina where Alcina and Ruggiero are being entertained with ballet? You might not, as it’s sometimes skipped (but not by Hickox in the early ’90s, Minkowski on the Vienna DVD or Sardelli in Moscow). Check it out (ffwd to min 35:01, for some reason it’s stuck around min 32):

About dehggial

Mozart/Baroque loving red dragon

Posted on September 2, 2015, in baroque and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 34 Comments.

  1. i love that ballet music!! and all its mood + rhythm changes in such a short time. it seems he used it everywhere too, i heard the boston baroque ensemble playing a händel’s minuet and instantly recognized the “scene” 😉 (which was criminally skipped in the Aix version , the music, not the acting please)

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