Hello from Glyndebourne 2017!

There is WiFi! So as a first from yours truly, I’m waving at you from the Glyndebourne main lawn 🙂 it’s a gorgeous sunny day out here – very windy! My hair is messier than usual (a fright, as one says here), which is a good thing, as it would be too hot otherwise and I’m not wearing shorts today 😉

Tonight’s entertainment is Cavalli’s Hipermestra, or fifty brides for 49 soon to be dead dead husbands. There is a Saudi Prince waving in and out with his bride, so I’m guessing he’s the lucky one 😉

There will be pics!

Interval edit: ah, good acoustics, how I missed you! I think Glyndebourne hall is also on the dry side but, damn, that crispness is nice on these ears. The two theorbists really worked for their money! So do the rams in the distance, they’re making a racket 😀

Damsel in distress the woods (ok, the desert), petrol pumps – deja vu?

Just after the show edit: gotta give it to Vick, that was some effective inserting of the band!

ps: Emoke Barath is sitting one seat up from me on the bus back to Lewes. Yes, I know, it’s that kind of summer.

About dehggial

Mozart/Baroque loving red dragon

Posted on June 15, 2017, in baroque, glyndebourne, italian opera, live performances, operatic damsels in distress and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 19 Comments.

  1. Enjoy the acoustics, it must be awesome from what I can say from my innumerable Rinaldo re-watches 🙂

  2. I am super-jealous about this. I tried in every which way to get to Glyndebourne for Hypermestra this year and I failed. You MUST tell me about the performance!! I demand it! (STOMP!)
    OK, I’m just asking nicely 🙂

  3. ps: Emoke Barath is sitting one seat up from me on the bus back to Lewes. Yes, I know, it’s that kind of summer.

    🙂 . i talked to her back stage in Detroit (that Händel Messiah tour with N.Stutzmann), she was really lovely, and had spent a summer in Boston. I like her voice a lot, and it seems to have grown larger now (her voice).

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